Vanity predictions for application 0008315267

ApplicationDate EnteredReceipt DateProcess DateCallStateSeqVanityPredictionChance(%)
00083152672018-08-122018-08-13KD8OFLWV1WV8DGOfflined by FCC
00083152672018-08-122018-08-13KD8OFLWV2KD8DGOfflined by FCC
00083152672018-08-122018-08-13KD8OFLWV3N8DDGOfflined by FCC
00083152672018-08-122018-08-13KD8OFLWV4WD8DGOfflined by FCC
00083152672018-08-122018-08-13KD8OFLWV5KD1USAOfflined by FCC

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Prediction accuracy estimated to ±0.4% via 50,000 iterations of Monte Carlo simulation.
Predicted based on FCC ULS data at 2024-07-27 15:33:27 UTC — applications as of 2024-07-29; licenses as of 2024-07-25
indicates preliminary data scraped from FCC ULS that may be incomplete

Disclaimer: outcomes not guaranteed; not responsible for actions taken based on data or predictions.
Built using SQLite and the fcc-db project
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